Dear Mr. Frethl,

As previously communicated, the rebel colony militia has seized control of the main generator building, a critical asset for the ongoing terraforming operations. Unfortunately, due to the incompetence of local management, after several days of siege, the above-ground portion of this multi-million-dollar complex has been completely destroyed and remains under rebel control. Fortunately, the most crucial components of the generator are securely located underground.
To address this situation, I personally engaged a local security outsourcing firm to assist in regaining control of company property.

The mercenary forces executed a swift operation to secure the strategically important hill dominating the area. After encountering strong resistance from the militia entrenched in the ruins, they were instructed to refrain from advancing further to prevent additional damage to the infrastructure. A cease-fire was subsequently negotiated. While negotiating with terrorists is not standard company practice, this decision was made to minimize damage to our valuable assets and to gain additional time.

Regrettably, yesterday at approximately 16:40, the first wave of space bugs began attacking both our forces and the rebels. Despite the multi-directional assault, our troops successfully maintained a defensive perimeter with precise and effective fire.

During this period, hostilities resumed between the militia and our security forces. The origin of the truce violation is unclear, though it is suspected that the rebels instigated the breach. This renewed conflict resulted in the loss of two soldiers and several injuries, along with numerous casualties among the insurgents.
The militia commander failed to demonstrate effective leadership, leading to the rebels being overrun by the bugs.

The situation was ultimately stabilized with the timely arrival of our spacefighter units, which successfully deployed napalm bombs to eliminate the insect threat. 

The outlook following this incident is optimistic. Although the severely weakened rebel forces still occupy the generator building, our forces maintain control of the hill. It is anticipated that full restoration of law and order is imminent.

Yours sincerely,

John ShelherSecurity


Outer Regions Department

Uni Terraforming GmbH

Note: it was the playtest of Broken Negotiations special scenario which is planned to be released in one of the future expansions.